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€3,00 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Internal diameter 67mm. Width 16mm. Internal width 15mm Ideal for Polymer clay
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€5,50 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Diameter 67mm. Width 6,6mm. Internal width 3,8mm, which will allow you to glue a strip of 3 rows of Miyuki Delica beads. Ideal for Polymer clay
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In den Warenkorb
€5,50 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Internal diameter 65mm. Width 10mm. Internal width 8,3mm, which will allow you to glue a strip of 6 rows of Miyuki Delica beads. Ideal for Polymer clay
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€26,00 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Materiaal en instructies om deze armband te maken.
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€0,00 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Dutch version also available in French and Italian on request
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€9,95 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping
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€0,99 inclusive Steuer €2,00 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Each package of 5 bracelets contains 1 bracelet of each color. 5 pieces
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€4,95 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Vibrant and colorful anodized bangles with coordinating glitter. 12 pieces
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In den Warenkorb
€4,95 inclusive Steuer excluding shipping Vibrant and colorful anodized bangles with coordinating glitter. 12 pieces
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