Fireline® and S-Lone Fire is a pre-waxed, braided cord consisting of gel-spun polyethylene which is known as the strongest fiber, per diameter, ever created. It has an unbelievably high tensile strength and has been recommended in numerous how-to articles on beadworking
Use the Thread Zap to burn through the Fireline/S-Lon Fire thread to prevent fraying. Definitely don't use scissors.
For the perfect finish of your creations: Ideal for making earrings and other light, delicate designs. The wire is INVISIBLE and ensures a 👌 PERFECT design.
Fireline is a pre-waxed, braided cord consisting of gel-spun polyethylene which is known as the strongest fiber, per diameter, ever created. It has an unbelievably high tensile strength and has been recommended in numerous how-to articles on beadworking. Fit a #12 English beading needle.