Производитель: BeadSmith

Wire Snowflake 15cm x6

€4,90 с налогами
excluding shipping
Wire Snowflake available 4 sizes: 9, 11, 15 & 23cm
Артикул: WS6
Доступность: 1 в наличии

Instructions for basic snowflake design:

1. Add your beads to the wire form, leaving 1/2″” of empty wire at the end

2. Use round nose pliers to create a loop at the wire end by turning the end of the wire towards the last bead. Repeat steps 1 and 2, until all the spokes are filled.

3. Thread a ribbon or string through one of the end loops of your snowflake.

Product ClassWire Forms

Instructions for basic snowflake design:

1. Add your beads to the wire form, leaving 1/2″” of empty wire at the end

2. Use round nose pliers to create a loop at the wire end by turning the end of the wire towards the last bead. Repeat steps 1 and 2, until all the spokes are filled.

3. Thread a ribbon or string through one of the end loops of your snowflake.

Product ClassWire Forms
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